Mobirise Website Builder v4.10.4

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Library Services

Shelf Ready Processing, Build a List Online, New Releases, Easy Order Forms, plus much more. 

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Book Fair Collage

K-12 Book Fairs

Great Service, Huge Selection, Low Prices, and Best of All - Set Up & Take Down Included.

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Class sets, professional development, district-wide curriculum, library lists -- we can get the books you need.

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We are a local small business and we strive to build great relationships with our customers. You are more than a number to us! 

Great Discounts

From our warehouse filled with 50% off books to competitive discounts on all our special orders, we can help you stretch your budget.

Tons O' Book Knowledge

There are millions of books in print. Let us help you navigate the maze! Use our experience and resources to your advantage -- ask us how today.

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Library Services?

How Can We Help You?

We keep you current and can help you refresh your collection. Plus we offer shelf-ready processing. Learn More

Experience a new kind of book fair with great service, selection, prices, and set-up/take down included, plus earn 20% back. Book Your Fair Now

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Professional development or district-wide curriculum sets--we've got you covered with free delivery to your warehouse or to each individual school (Arizona only) Ask Us How or Submit a List

Need a class set or have a list already? Get a quote today! It's fast, free, and no-obligation.

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